Sunday, 20 January 2019

Catching up again

Catching up (again)

   It has been a while since I updated the blog, mainly because I have not done much painting, building or even gaming, the first two because I have/had a very bad case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands, and while they were OK for many things, delicate finger movement, like painting or terrain building would become very uncomfortable after just a few minutes.

   I went in during second week of December and they operated on my right hand and after a couple of weeks it was (I hoped) usable, for painting.
   I started with some terrain building. I made some ruined wall sections, for 28mm, more as a test of material than an serious build. The material I wanted to try out was EVA foam, the stuff they make into yoga or anti-fatigue mats, or cosplay armor. The EVA foam worked OK, but I decide to just go with 3/8" x 3/8" x 3/4" bricks made out of insulation foam.

   I then move onto building and then painting some 1/72 scale tanks. A trio of PSC's SU-76's and a PZKW IIIN from Forces of Valor. It was the first time I used my airbrush, if just for priming and base coating
Forces of Valor PzKW IIIN

Forces of Valor PzKW IIIN

Plastic Soldier Company SU-76

    Then I advanced to some complicated painting, and finished off my mostly painted Samurai from my Test of Honor starter box (which have been on my to be finished shelf for about 18 months), I still have a few of them to build though. But I find I cannot paint for long stretches of time yet because my left hand gets tingly (I am going in next week for that hand though).

Test of Honor Ashigau
Test of Honor Ashigau

    Unfortunately I have to go Hospital next week to get the Left hand done, so I will be unable to hobby for a couple more weeks.