April had an even lower painting output than March.
At least one scenario for Clash of Spears needs a couple of herd/flock bases, and I didn't have any, so I painted what I had.
the Brown steer are ERTL Cow town (surmised scale id 1/64th), I got several decades ago. The Whitish ones are some 1/48th scale I purchased at Hotlead last year.
This Month I added 8 figures, one of which would not fit on the base.
The yearly total is:
Vehicles (1/72 scale): 0
Artillery (28mm): 0
Infantry/Cavalry (1/72 scale): 0
Infantry/ Cavalry (28+mm): 69
Total 69
Vehicles (1/72 scale): 0
Artillery (28mm): 0
Infantry/Cavalry (1/72 scale): 0
Infantry/ Cavalry (28+mm): 69
Total 69