Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Figures I painted this month: July

Monthly painting report (July 2019)

Warlord games recently had another sprue sale, of which I took advantage of.  All the figures I painted this month were ones I picked up from the sprue sale.

First up is some Chasseurs A' Cheval .

Next was a unit of French Hussars.

Finally in the last 2 days of the month these guys burst out of my need to be painted pile, a twelve man unit of French Line Infantry in Greatcoats. Their pompoms are white, as I haven't yet decided what company to add them to.

An\other slow month, but I still added to my total:

(28+mm) 24

Bringing the yearly total to:

 Vehicles:                  4
  Artillery Pieces:      2
     (1/72 scale):     151
     (28+mm):         130
             Total       287

 Next month I hope to finish off my Napoleonic French I have a 6 man unit of Voltigers and the Command sections from my Victric box, plus three extra figures.
Ignore the 12 figure unit at bottom left of this pictures as it is the above unit before it was painted.