Sunday, 19 May 2024

Scratch built terrain

Sratch Built terrain

The other day I was asked "Do you build terrain?" and I said .... some.

The following is most of the terrain I have scratch built.

Short (1/2 inch thick) double sided flat top hills. Need to match the colour of the thicker ones better, the other side is a desert colour.
Flat-topped (1 inch thick) wargaming hills
terrain patches ususlly placed upon the area terrain pieces

Contoured hills



a little fenced in vegetable patch.

Wheat fields.

Plowed fields

areas to have woods, scrub, or whatever is needed placed upon.

Area terrain

Trees, one can never enough trees,

My Wild West set is all scratch built, save a few log piles and wagons.

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Painted in April

 It was a a low production month.

I finished off my Box of Victrix Austrain Landwehr.

Miniatures painted in April: 39

The yearly total is:
     Vehicles (1/72 scale):                0
     Artillery (28mm):                      0
     Infantry/Cavalry (1/72 scale):   0
     Infantry/ Cavalry (28+mm):    142