Monday 1 July 2024

Painted in June

Painted in June 

(all Victrix all month)

 There were no miniatures painted in May, due to time spent on cleaningup/updating my Wild West collection. I agreed to run a couple of games for my local FLGS's Game day in July.

Roll-4-con-tickets  I am running the Fistful of Lead: Reloaded games

A mix of Ancient Carthaginians and Napoleonic Austrians.

The last 5 figures from my box of Victrix Austrian Landwehr
The last 5 figures from my box of Victrix Austrian Landwehr.

3x figures to bring unit of imiatation Legionares up to my standard of 12 figures.

3x figures to bring unit of hoplites up to my standard of 12 figures.
6x a half unit of Libyan Skirmishers

6x Hoplites (half unit) with Scutum.

6 figures, a half unit of imiatation Legionares with hoplons



Vehicles (1/72 scale):                                                  0 

Artillery (28mm): 0 Infantry/Cavalry (1/72 scale):       0 

Infantry/ Cavalry (28+mm):                                       29

Miniatures painted in June:                                        29 

The yearly total is:                                                    171

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