Monday, 29 April 2019

Outremer: Faith and Blood

Outremer: Faith and Blood

We got together a few weeks ago to introduce some gamers to this set of rules from Osprey Wargames.

Glenn and Doug squared off on one table, whilst I let Wayne win against me. To speed things along, the night before I made 4 war bands of crusading Franks. Wayne and Doug each picked one, more or less at random, and I randomly picked one the 2 remaining,  Glenn decided on running Cecil's Saracen war band.

Here are some pictures of the table that used my terrain. (Wayne won)

Here are some pictures of the table that uses Cecil's terrain. (I think Doug won)

Overall the comments were positive, but they felt some of the mechanics seemed a bit klunky, the multiple die types was a bit difficult to get used to.

Painted in April

Here is what I painted in April.

Firstly my much delayed order from Blacktree Design Miniatures, (ordered in December arrived 2nd week of April). I will be using them for Outremer: Faith and Blood, but will work for any game set in the 1100's.

Unarmored Spearmen

Crossbowmen in padded armor

Unarmored Archers

Axe men in padded armor

Armored sword and shield men

Managed to get a few more Ashigaru from the "Test of Honor" Starter set painted.

A French Napoleonic Gun and 4 crew from Perry miniatures.

2 more French dismounted dragoons, plastic Perry Miniatures (I can now field a 12 figure unit).

Lastly I painted a few more 1/72 scale ACW Confederate Infantry (a mix of Revel and ESCI).
Not shown are 2 figures I didn't have bases for.

My total this month is:
(1/72 scale) 23
(28+mm) 30

Artillery Pieces 1

Bringing the yearly total to:

 Vehicles:                4
  Artillery Pieces:    1
     (1/72 scale):   151
     (28+mm):         64
             Total       221

   My goal next month is almost the same as April's i.e. I hope to finish my "Test of Honor" starter set figures (only 3 more to go, I think), some animals from Wiz kids unpainted minis line (I have 2 Wild Boars and a pair of Pack mules) a box of Victrix Napoleonic French infantry a few Mounted French Officers from Perry Miniatures, Confederate cavalry, (I have another box of Strelets U,S, Cavalry I will paint as Confederate cavalry).

Oh I also got my BONES 4 Kickstarter, so I now have a whole lot of fantasy figures to paint.