Saturday, 21 July 2018

What A Tanker game

What A Tanker is a new to me set of tank vs.tank combat.

   Cecil and I got together at the Hamilton Road Gaming Group to play a pair of games,

   Cecil provided the printed rules book (I have the PDF and my home printed copy, shows my ancient printer needs to be replaced soon) and the dashboards. I supplied the tanks terrain and many of the dice.

   Much of my 20mm has not been used in game in 5 or more years.

First game a pair of mark IV's versus a Sherman and a M10.

Game 2:

Pit a Pershing and Jackson, versus a Mark IVH and and a Konigstiger
The Pershing and Konigstiger go head to head.

Mark IV one shotting the Jackson (M10 proxying as)

The Mark IV going for its second kill of the game

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Perry Dragoons done

Perry Dragoons (mounted), done!

Took forever for me to get these done, but done they are.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Perry Dragoons (part 2) the horses

Finished the horses, even based and clear coated.

I tried a different way to paint the horses. I painted base coated them a dark Brown, then a heavy dry brush of white and light colours, then washed them with a variety of Brown and black washes. It gave an OK look, but was no faster and all the horses are kind of the same colours, so I think I'll go back to my usual method.

Now I will have to channel my inner Vlad Tepes of Wallachia and impale the riders.

Perry Dragoons (Part 1) The dismounted guys

   I also picked up a box of Perry Miniatures French Dragoons and an extra sprue of the dismounted dragoons.

  I banged these guys out, last weekend.

28mm French Infantry finished (A.K.A. Part V)

Finished up my Perry French Infantry. All I had to do was clear coat them and do their bases.


Colours Party

The rest of the box

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Still more 28mm French (part IV)

Finished painting the last of the figures from my box of Perry Miniatures French Line Infantry.

The last of the Figures, unfortunately one of the guys Musket has broken off just above its owners left hand

All the Figures, the Voltiher on the left is missing the top half of his musket

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

More 28mm French (part III)

Finished another batch of Perry Miniature's French line infantry.

I decided to paint all the figures in great coats.

Here is every thing I have painted so far.

All I have left to paint is the Drummer, Eagle bearer, the officer and the the six figures in action poses.

 And this popped up on my door step the other day.

Monday, 9 April 2018

New toy

I have been trying to make my self a light box to improve the pictures on the blog. I tried several of the DIYs I have seen on the inter web, but none of them worked too well.

I was in a surplus store the other day when I saw this.

I figured I would pick it up. It was only $40 and would save me a lot of effort and would be sturdier then anything I could make storable/portable.

After opening it I saw why the previous user had gotten rid of it, he had used bulbs too powerful for it and burned the reflectors.
You can see the colour it supposed to be around the hole.
 I decided to keep it, if necessary I can line the reflectors with white Bristol board or Aluminum foil.

 I did a test of it, The burned reflector doesn't seem to have a big effect and the pictures turn out a hell of a lot better than the pictures I was getting with my homemade Light box.
Homemade Lightbox
Bought Lightbox.
And it collapses for easy storage, it folds down to 16"x16" x 5"

Hopefully it will improve the pictures on the blog, unfortunately  It will highlight how bad a painter I was (I am a bit better now, I hope).

Monday, 2 April 2018

More 28mm French

Finished another "Chosen Men" unit of Perry Miniatures. I will paint their company Pompoms when I get all the infantry painted.

  Here is all I have managed to do so so far.